What Next?

This all depends on the different pressures your business is facing, when they started and what the current situation is. Business Rescue & Recovery will assess your situation and recommend the appropriate course of action.

Are you being pressured to agree to everyone else's terms but your own? Do you feel there is no way out for you and your business?

We understand that your business may be under severe distress and that is where Business Rescue & Recovery can help take away the pressure from you.

Problems big or small, there are various options available to you and your business whether that be rescuing, restructuring, selling or even closing down your business. Business Rescue & Recovery will work with you to find the best possible solution to your needs and ensure the best outcome considering the circumstances whether that be Rescuing your business or helping it to Recover.

The key driver is to act quickly because if you don't then your creditors may take action, leaving your options very limited.

It is important to have someone on your side when challenging situations arise. Business Rescue & Recovery is there to help you and your business, not the bank or your creditors.

Contact us for a free no obligation and fully confidential introductory call.


Common Problems

In the main companies tend to find themselves in financial difficulty if they fall into Tax Arrears or they are having temporary Cash Flow issues and they are therefore subject to Creditor Pressure or have received a Statutory Demand or a Winding Up Petition. Ultimately it all boils down to money and the immediate access to it.

Cash Flow is the lifeblood of any business and without it companies quickly start to struggle without it.

There are a number of options available to Directors and Business Rescue & Recovery will assess your situation and help you to improve your Cash Flow position. There is no one size fits all and therefore Business Rescue & Recovery will look at the most suitable option for you as the Director and your business.

Please click on the link on the link below to find out more.


What Are My Options?

In the first instance Business Rescue & Recovery will assess your situation and help you navigate through the minefield of all the options. There is no one size fits all and therefore Business Rescue & Recovery will look at the most suitable option for you as the Director and your business.

Your options will depend on whether they are Director or Creditor led. There are many options to consider depending on the circumstances, such as voluntary liquidation, voluntary arrangement, payment plans, funding, financing, re-financing, restructuring or a potential sale of the business for an orderly exit. You may even be entitled to claim for a grant for any historic or ongoing Research & Development.

Please click on the link on the link below to find out more.


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