Credit Insurance
Credit Insurance, also known as Credit Trade Insurance or Credit Risk Insurance. In short, an insurance policy tailored to your budget and needs to cover you against financial risks.
There are various reasons why a business may need Credit Insurance and this could be to provide cover if a customer does not pay for the goods or services according to the payment terms or does not pay you at all, it also provides cover if a customer becomes insolvent. Some finance companies require this as a pre-requisite if Invoice Factoring or Invoice Discounting is being applied for.
Credit Insurance can be for the whole value of the sales ledger or for single invoices over a certain amount and therefore the premium can be tailored accordingly to your needs, this could be the difference between success and failure of a company if you tend to trade in a high risk industry. For example not many companies could sustain a £100,000 loss without having Credit Insurance in place.
Knowing that Credit Insurance is in place, it allows you to have more confidence in extending credit to new and existing customers. Basically it manages the company's risk by having an insurance policy in place.
There are many various types of Credit Insurance policies and with access to a large number of insurers, our independent brokers are not tied down to use one particular provider over another and instead will source the best deal on the market for you.
Whatever the reason we can help you to get the right policy and protection in place. And what is better still is that this service is COMPLETELY FREE to you as we are paid by the insurer upon taking out the policy.
Finding the right insurer can be a minefield so why do it yourself when you can have an independent broker working on your behalf doing the work for you at no additional cost!
In order to get the best policy tailored to your needs then it is recommended that you get professional help as insurers will only provide you options on their products alone which may not be appropriate to you.
For your FREE consultation on this and other matters please contact us.